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Thursday 10 March 2016

How to Get Paid What You Deserve : Ways to Make More

From nailing salary negotiations with a new employer to learning skills that will sell, here's how to increase our slice of the Pie

  1. Quit Playing Games

Apply for better paying jobs and be honest about your situation. It's vital to avoid playing games. Tactics such as misleading a prospective employer about your current salary or other job offers i an effort to obtain higher pay almost always backfire.

  1. Don't Draw Lines

Always keep your options open when negotiating on a contract. Whether you' re negotiating with your current employer or a potential new one. It's a mistake to give ultimatums too early on the contractual process. Look for common ground and avoid an adversarial stance. You want to start off on the right foot.

  1. The Time is Now

Start looking around ahead of time rather than waiting until you're thoroughly fed up. Often, by the time people ask for more money they're quite disgruntled about what they're currently on. Try to have the conversation before you get to that stage.

  1. Know Your Bottom Line

Always have a Below This I Walk number in mind when going into a meeting. If you don't go in with one, in a weak moment you can find yourself agreeing to something you later regret. Our brains flick between emotional and rational responses-the rational minds is the slowest part.

  1. If Not Now, Try later

Be aware that pay rises don't have to come instantly. If you can't negotiate more money now, try asking for a delayed or conditional pay bump to be written into your contract. Try asking future employer to consider a pay rise into your contract. They might say : okay we can pay that when you deliver X,Y, or Z.

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